One of the worldwide launch events for the latest Motorola phone released by Google, the Moto G, was held on the 14th floor of Toronto’s Google Canada November 13. Viewers could step into the Toronto launch and get a feel of the smartphone, play games and even take pictures with the guidance of a representative. But before the Moto G hopefuls experimented with Google Motorola’s latest smartphone, the audience viewed a streaming of the Moto G launch from Brazil. Product and software managers informed listeners with a strong argument as to why customers should get the Moto G. The design and appearance of the Moto G takes cues from the previous Motorola phone, the Moto X, which was released this past summer. At a surprising $200 market value, the phone is both affordable and filled with quality including 1 GB of memory, 65 gigs of Google drive storage, a 4.5 inch HD display (the sharpest display in its class) that is scratch resistant and a smooth operator powered by Quantum’s latest processor. In fact, the Moto G is the first phone of its kind equipped with that processor. The smartphone was given to dozens of people around the world of all professions, including a university student from London and a cook from Mexico City, who both agreed that the Moto G made their lives easier. Throughout the presentation, the Moto G’s quality and performance was compared to leading products like the popular iPhone and Samsung Galaxy, and said to have better quality for more than half the price. The technical sales manager at Motorola Mobility, Tony Iskandar, goes into detail about what’s unique about the smartphone and how customers have reacted.
WHAT WILL MAKE THIS PHONE UNIQUE FROM OTHER PHONES ON THE MARKET? What’s unique about the Moto G is that we’ve given it a removable back shell so you can customize it and we’re offering 19 different customizations with style and colour. We have what we’re calling the flip shell, it has the back, but it also has a hinge to a front cover that covers the front of the Moto G to give it that added protection when it’s in your backpack or pocket. It’s magnetic so it stays close. The device knows when you open the flip so it actually powers on the display automatically so that you don’t have to.
“We know that there’s going to be over 500 million people buying phones at around the $200 market, globally. So, we wanted to know what’s important to those folks.”
WHAT CONSUMER NEEDS DID GOOGLE AND MOTORALA RESPOND TO IN CREATING THE MOTO G? Our CEO was talking about how we came about with the Moto G and it all started when we interviewed over 15,000 people across four continents. We asked them what’s important to them. We know that there’s going to be over 500 million people buying phones at around the $200 market, globally. So, we wanted to know what’s important to those folks. And there were four main items they spelt out. One, they wanted a large screen. They want power and all day accessibility. And that’s exactly what we did. We gave them the beautiful 4.5 screen, we gave them the quad-core processor, and we gave it the all-day battery. They want to be able to customize it. That’s where we came up with the idea to changing the shells. They want to keep up with the latest software. So, we made sure the technology on the Moto G can address that.
WHAT IS THE FEEDBACK THAT YOU’VE RECEIVED FOR THE PHONE? We’ve given it to a select few regular folks from across the globe, folks around the 500 million that are looking for devices [from all careers] whether they’re business owners or active lifestyle [people], to try it out and tell us what they think. These are folks who are used to old technology and they want to get into the smart phone category. They want the best and the feedback has been phenomenal. [Many of the features have been praised], whether it’s the quality of the camera, the ability to smoothly switch between applications… There’s no lag! The response for that has been very positive.
Interview By. Faduma Mohamed
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