
The Grant Slant


Art is a reflection of life. Life is manifested through art and sport. Rappers have always wanted to be athletes and athletes have historically had a penchant for wanting to be in the rap game. Hip-hop’s relationship with sport is a cross-polination of an inevitable marriage born in the streets and is demonstrated on stages, in arenas and stadiums. I represent this marriage on a daily basis as it embodies the essence of a good chunk of my experience as an urban youth drawn to the hip-hop culture while pursuing a pipe dream of being a professional athlete. Welcome to The Grant Slant. (An Urbanology Exclusive Column By Karim Grant)

Having been thrust full-throttle into this year’s first round of the NBA playoffs, it has become apparent that the youth movement has manifested itself…

It’s almost sacrilegious, with half a dozen “The Grant Slant” column submissions written to my credit for Urbanology, I have managed to, for the…

Reasonable Doubt is easily archived as one of the best debut albums of all time. Don’t believe me? Ask someone with enough sense to…

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence…

Disgruntled, dismayed, disillusioned. These are just a few of the discernibly appropriate terms that have scampered across my mind when faced with the many…

“Either you’re slingin’ crack-rock or you got a wicked jump-shot.” – The Notorious B.I.G. “Things Done Changed” Since its inception, the cultures of sports…